Are you aware, you don’t need the residence card?
By: Antonio Villena
Our interest is to always inform our clients and friends of the different legislative changes that may directly affect them and their families.
We want to communicate an order, a regulation that came out in December of this last year through which to those people who have approved a residence, if they do not have the physical card or have not collected the physical card or have not put fingerprints on that residence that has been taken or has been renewed is in force with the simple resolution.
It is not necessary to have the card physically, for any aspect or with respect to the administration itself or with respect to third parties. Even if is a bank account or a finance issue, the resolution already comes with the said annotation that it is valid without the need for a physical card.
The resolutions will come with the express phrase that it is a resolution that does not depend on the physical card, so if I have a resolution it is enough.
It does not mean that at any given time we do not obtain the card, which is not very beneficial when we have to travel and cross a border, because Spanish regulations are in force within Spain and in many borders that are not Spanish, they do not know it and we can find ourselves with the unpleasant surprise that with a simple passport we can pass it on.
However, at the national level, even in those borders that are known with this simple resolution, in principle, if you have the card and you do not need the physical card, we believe that it is very important for many of our clients.
One exception must be taken in consideration. the exception of this regulation is those who come with a national visa to put the fingerprint for the first time, or a student visa for the first time, these people do have to carry out the time that is allowed of 60 or 90 days to take fingerprints
We are referring to taking out the card for the first time, you have to at least take fingerprints and obtain the police receipt through which it tells you that at least the fingerprints are already on.
This is essential and is an exception.
The regulation is for those people who already have a residence and have already renewed it or it has already been granted, but not those who come with a visa for the first time to obtain a residence in Spain or a study stay.