Can I Obtain Residence in Spain without having obtained a Schengen Visa?
By: Antonio Villena
Yes, having a company or being an entrepreneur, being a manager, in the country of nationality or residence of the person, you can obtain residence in Spain and below we will give you the details.
In this post we are going to talk about the possibility of obtaining residency in Spain, without having had a Schengen visa before.
Although in a first place it seems that this action is not possible, it is necessary to know that under certain circumstances it is possible to
certain circumstances it is possible to carry out this procedure.
In this post we are going to give you some examples in which these exceptions apply:
- If you have never had a Schengen visa but your partner has had one.
- Have certain roots in Spain (property, children studying in Spain).
- Apply for the Schengen visa at the same time you apply for residency.
In the video, we explain in detail how to proceed with these exceptions.
If you have any questions our team will be happy to assist you.