Residence permit for nationals of Iran
By: Antonio Villena
Table of contents:
1. Residence permit for nationals of Iran for building a business in Spain.
The residence permit as an entrepreneur, is obtained, among other requirements, by conducting a business plan that must be approved previously by one of the five bodies authorized to do so.
The minimum required amount has to prove to be able to start a business for a residence permit for business creation, is 50,000 €, regardless of training and professional experience regarding business activity have to be It aims to begin, not being these the only requirements to apply for a residence permit for business creation.
2. Residence permit for nationals of Iran without work.
The residence permit without work in Spain they get those individuals and families who do not need work to live, such as retirees, people living or rental income, etc .. the income or monthly income for a residence permit without work, must exceed 2,200 € montly by the first family member and 533 € / monthly for each additional member, regardless of having savings in the bank for a minimum amount of 30,000 €, not being these the only requirements, but if they are requirements exclusive.
3. Other procedures for obtaining Residence permit for nationals of Iran.
-Buy Housing or commercial unit for more than 500,000 €
-Buy Spanish public debt by € 1,200,000
-for Investments.
-for Political asylum, once being in Spain.
-for Creation of novel enterprise
-for Residence permit modification as a student in Spain, once the studies favorably concluded.
-There Are other more procedures, (professional athletes, highly qualified professionals, etc ..)
4. Processing of the residence permit for Spain in Iran.
The processing in Iran residence permit for Spain and Europe as well as by creating business and without work or any of the other existing procedures is processed depending on where the person resides in one of the following Spanish consulates:
Spain is the country with the best climate in Europe, which receives more tourism, with major infrastructure on roads and highways, with very good health and education services, the character of Spanish is very cozy with foreigners.Our management Government is one of the most flexible to grant residence permits to build a business so as to live without working, both for applying it to the entire family unit.
This year is the European country most economic growth is having (Reference European Central Bank B.C.E.)
If you meet these requirements and want to see the possibility of applying for a residence permit in Spain and Europe, for nationals of Iran, you can contact us by any of the means set out footnotes.
Later, we will have an appointment either by phone or in order to assess whether you have options to get a residence permit in this case to explain the different options and at the same time you ask us any question in this regard.