student Form Find out in this quick form if you are eligible for Residence as a student in Spain. Por favor, activa JavaScript en tu navegador para completar este formulario.Por favor, activa JavaScript en tu navegador para completar este formulario.DiseñoName *Residence country *What language do you speak? *Opción 1SpanishFrenchEnglishArabicWhatsApp/ Phone NumberEmail *What studies do you have? *Bachelor's degree or higherLess than Bachelor's degreeDo you have at least €7,200 directly or through a family member? *YesNoHave you visited Europe or had a schengeng visa? *YesNoHow much do you have in your bank account? *Less than 7.200€Between 7.200€ and 29.000€More than 29,000€How did you get to know us? *Opción 7FacebookGoogleYouTubeInstagramFriend's recommendationOtherYOU CAN OPT FOR *RESIDENCE FOR STUDIESFOR MORE INFORMATION OR TO CONTINUE WITH THE PROCESS PRESS SUBMITWE'RE SORRY *YOU ARE NOT ABLE TO APPLY FOR ANY VISA OPTIONFOR MORE INFORMATION OR TO CONTINUE WITH THE PROCESS PRESS SUBMITTell us how: *SUBMIT