Which visa can i obtain? Find out on this form what type of visa or residency you can obtain in Spain. Por favor, activa JavaScript en tu navegador para completar este formulario.Por favor, activa JavaScript en tu navegador para completar este formulario.DiseñoName *Residence country *What language do you speak? *Opción 1SpanishFrenchEnglishArabicWhatsApp/ Phone NumberEmail *Do you receive financial incomes that do not come from a direct job, such as rents, company shares, etc.? *YesNoRegarding your earnings... *I earn more than 2400 €/monthI earn less than 2400 €/month Are you a manager, company director, self-employed or freelancer? *YesNoCould you work from Spain? *YesNoRegarding your earnings... *I declare earnings and can declare income of more than 2160 €/monthI don't declare earnings and I cannot declare income over 2160 €/month.What studies do you have? *Bachelor's degree or higherLess than Bachelor's degreeDo you have at least €7,200 directly or through a family member? *YesNoHave you visited Europe or had a schengeng visa? *YesNoHow much do you have in your bank account? *Less than €7,200Between 7,200 and 29,000€More than 29,000€.How did you get to know us? *Opción 7FacebookGoogleYouTubeInstagramFriend's recommendationOtherYOU CAN OPT FOR *NON-PROFIT VISAFOR MORE INFORMATION OR TO CONTINUE WITH THE PROCESS PRESS SUBMITYOU CAN OPT FOR *DIGITAL NOMADFOR MORE INFORMATION OR TO CONTINUE WITH THE PROCESS PRESS SUBMITYOU CAN OPT FOR *RESIDENCE FOR STUDIESFOR MORE INFORMATION OR TO CONTINUE WITH THE PROCESS PRESS SUBMITWE'RE SORRY *YOU ARE NOT ABLE TO APPLY FOR ANY VISA OPTIONFOR MORE INFORMATION OR TO CONTINUE WITH THE PROCESS PRESS SUBMITTell us how: *SUBMIT