Division of social networks in different languages
By: Antonio Villena
We created a social media account in your language, due to this division of social networks in different languages
We bring together all the social media accounts in your language in one article.
You can now find us more easily on social networks, thanks to these division of social networks in different languages where we will post relevant content in your language to keep you informed.
Our firm’s new strategy aims to provide you with better information, not only on the legal issues you need to know, but also on any new developments in Spain.
That is why we have created accounts on different social networks in the languages spoken by our clients. From the situation of Ukrainians in Spain, to the most frequent doubts of our clients, to all the news of interest for Spain and immigration issues, we cover many topics.
Division of social networks in different languages:
We provide you with the username of each social network so that you can follow us and stay informed.
On Facebook, you can find us in Spanish at @permisoderesidenciaspain, @visahow.europe is the Arabic account, @residencepermiteurope will be the Facebook page in English and the account where you will find all the information in French will be @residencecard.org.
On Twitter, you can find us as @residenceeurope in English, @visahowspain in Arabic, @titredesejour in French and @permisoreside in Spanish.
Feel free to also follow us on Instagram @titredesejour_europe for news in French, @permisoderesidencia for posts in Spanish. In English, you can follow us on @residencepermit.europe, or @visa.how for all the information on Instagram about our office
in Arabic.
We are also expanding our social media presence and have opened accounts on Tiktok. Don’t miss the interesting content we will be sharing on the social network of the moment in Spanish with @permisoderesidencia.org, in English with @residencepermitspain. If your native language is French, you can follow us at @titredesejour.org and in Arabic at @visa.how.
We have also changed our strategy on LinkedIn. While Antonio Villena’s profile is always available for questions, we will try to make it easier for you to stay informed. We will keep you informed and share any news about our company pages on LinkedIn through his profile.
We invite you to follow us on the 4 Youtube channels that we have divided by language, the Spanish channel: permisoderesidencia, the English channel: Residence Permit, the French channel: Antonio Villena, and our Arabic channel: Visa How.