Discover the financial requirements necessary to achieve reunification
By: Antonio Villena
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In order to obtain reunification, you need certain financial requirements that we are going to discuss below. This is a somewhat complicated subject, but not necessarily confusing, so it is important that you read to the end so that you do not get the wrong idea.
1. Necessary financial requirements
In principle, the regulations tell us that 150% of the IPREM is needed to reunite a person, the IPREM is the amount that is established each year by the State as the minimum amount of subsistence that a person needs, which in this year 2023 is around 600€ per month, therefore 150% of the IPREM is 900€ per month.
For another person that we want to regroup, theoretically it would be 50% of the IPREM, which is €300 and which adds up to €1200 with the first person, if we add the €900 of the first person and the €300 of the additional person.
2. Exception for minors
But there is an important exception, in case the people we want to reunite are minors and we are currently earning at least the minimum interprofessional wage, which is 1080€ per month in this year 2023, we will be able to reunite the children with this minimum and stable salary without requiring additional economic means.
In the event that the amount established by the minimum wage is not reached, we will have to look at a lower scale which is the minimum living income, this income is established in this year 2023 at about €565.37 per month, and for minor children it would be sufficient with 10% of the minimum living income which, added to the initial amount, that is, if we convert this amount into 110%, it would be about €622 per month.
Therefore, with this €622 per month we would be able to reunify one of the minors.
So, the second child would be another 10% of the minimum living income, and so on with the rest of the children up to a maximum of 150%, and from then on, no matter how many children we have, there is no need to prove more income, 150% of the minimum living income is €848 per month.
In short, in this way and with these economic requirements, we could in principle regroup any person and any child that we have and want to bring.
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