Requirements to obtain a non-profit residence visa for Spain from Algeria
By: Antonio Villena
Find out the requirements to apply for a non-profit residence visa for Spain in Algeria.
We tell you what are the requirements to get a non-profit residence visa for Spain by applying for such a visa from Algeria.
Table of contents:
1. General requirements
We are going to explain the necessary requirements to apply for a non-profit residence visa for Spain from Algeria.
In principle, as with the rest of the countries, we must present a criminal of not having a criminal record, a certificate to prove that we do not have contagious diseases with respect to the international regulations of 2005, the birth certificates of the minor children in the event that we have minor children, and if possible also certify the schooling of these children in Spain.
2. Bank account outside Algeria
Regarding the economic means, the most important thing is to justify the economic means that we have in Algeria, but it will also be mandatory to have a bank account outside Algeria and we can have it in any country as long as it allows us to take the money out of the country where we have the bank account, not as in the case of some countries such as Algeria.
It is essential to have a bank account outside Algeria with a sufficient amount of money to be able to support yourself for the first year of residence.
As Algeria does not allow money to leave the country, Spain does not recognise as valid any money that is in Algeria for the maintenance of the family while residing in Spain.
This is the main difference between Algeria and most other countries when trying to obtain a residence visa for Spain.
On the other hand, we also have the advantage that we can take care of the opening of bank accounts in Spain. We have had Algerian clients and good friends for many years and when they have not been able to travel to open an account in Spain, we have opened it for them with a special power of attorney.
We hope this information has been of help to you and we are at your disposal for any queries you may have on these matters.
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